"Financed with the funds of the European Union." The views expressed are solely those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union or the Tempus Foundation. Under no circumstances can the European Union or the grantor be held responsible for their content."
The project "ECO not ECHO" puts environmental awareness and protection as a concrete initiative in the hands of students.
Through the cooperation of schools, awareness will be developed among students about the importance of environmental
protection. The planned activities will enable students to proactively change everyday behaviour in their schools and their
communities. By working together, schools and their participants will be able to transfer theoretical ideas into practice and
Elementary school "Stevan Jakovljević" is an eight-grade school. Separate departments in Glavica and Davidovac belong to it. At school work also takes place in the special class, from the second to the eighth grade, where students with great difficulties are taught in development. The school currently has 547 students and 73 employees (teaching and non-teaching staff).
The school is located in Ploesti, a city with 250,000 inhabitants, in the south-east of Romania, 50 km from our capital,
Bucharest. It is a large school with primary and secondary classes. There are 47 teachers and 800 students. The institution has 19 classrooms,
11 laboratories, an IT classroom and a basketball/handball/tennis and football field.
Our school is located in the center of Anatolia, the cradle of civilizations, in the center of the city of Konya, the city of Mevlana, a world-famous symbol
of humanism, which hosted a wide range of cultures.
The school has 65 teachers and 4 administrators, the number of students is 1049.